Process & Usthodology For Solving Complex ProblemsRESEARCH-BASED
Pinto + Partners is a research-based practice that partners with experts such as economists, transportation analysts, engineers, sociologists, public health specialists and anthropologists to solve some of our clients most difficult and complex programmatic, planning, and urban design projects.
We never use templates, but tailor our solutions to specifically and strategically address the needs of our clients to enable them to maximize their growth and potential.

Our strategic process is highly focused and has been refined over the last 25 years of practice with some of the country’s most complex planning and urban design projects. Our goal is to achieve real implementation of the plans—not simply to engage in the exercise of planning.
Our practice and staff is purposely kept small allowing us to be more focused and rigorous with the projects we do choose to take on.

Our practice is based upon the idea that through collaboration with our client, other team experts, and working together through regular meetings, complex issues can be solved with desired outcomes and a high degree of value.
Communications is 50% of a successful community-based planning effort and as a team we have always recognized that fact in our work programs, team member selection, and continuing professional development of staff.
Critical elements have risen to the top of these efforts over the years including: establishment of a clear memorable image for the effort; bringing the realities of the site, the constraints, the givens, the particular scale, the artifacts, to light through compelling comparisons, test fits, and hands on experience for participants and decision makers. We are experts at designing the process as carefully as we design the product.
Pinto Partners& Partners planning and urban design team have continued to develop an approach to urban engagement that we have tailored, refined, recreated, and enjoyed over the last two decades.
The Planning Game is a technique and, perhaps most powerfully, an attitude toward substantive community engagement that relies upon clear tenets including:
- To listen and respond—not only at each meeting or work session but long term through the course of a project
- To bring the experts to the table—requiring careful selection of experts and training of teams
- Open information and creative tools—to bring technical information to the table and enable thoughtful creative involvement of communities as partners
- Inviting participation but reserving design for the designers
- Making clear the decision-making team and process from the beginning and then holding decisions for the (informed) decision makers
Contact Us Today For A Better Tomorrow
We solve problems through innovative practicality.